
Autonomic Nerve Dysfunction.

I don’t mind wearing a COVID mask

Although my face is melting in the heat

I stuff my face full of food at lunch

But you can’t see the scraps in my teeth


Behind my COVID style

Can’t see my grotty smile


I don’t mind


I got broken into the other week

And I don’t even mind that

The biggest loss was my Healthcare card

Now I can’t get my 70c bus pass


You get what you get

And you don’t get upset


I don’t mind


I don’t mind that I get tired standing up

See I’ve got Autonomic Nerve Dysfunction

I  only feel good when I am lying down

Least that doesn’t interfere with my fucking


But it’s best that I rest

You can like it or lump it


I don’t mind


I wanna waste time


I wanna waste time, I wanna underachieve

And I wanna slow down, I wanna get some reprieve 


Coming Home.

My old girl left us
Met everyone who shared her a smile
Now she’s back
Not yet on moonlit skies

I’m losing you
I’ve lost you so many times
Come back home
Not yet for moonlit skies

Coming home

I’ve moved through times
I’ve moved through hard times
Seen another life
Never wanted you to go
Now she’s back
My baby’s come back home

Sometimes I need you so
Sometimes I let you go
In a quiet place outside
I let you go

Coming home


Count The Hours.

I have heard that you were a mess then and you didn’t mean what you said

People have told me that I didn’t do wrong and memories mess with your head

I didn’t know that what I’d start would end up as bad as it did

I have heard that you were a mess then and you didn’t mean what you said


Do you count the hours and space out the days and map out your use of the week?

Do you feel shy, do you get tongue-tied, do you jerk your head when you speak?

Somebody told me that you might be quiet and dog-tired just like me

You shouldn’t fall for this kind of thing but we could be awkward and sweet

Ooh, you look a lot like me

I feel kinda outside, I feel kinda behind, I think I’m a bit out of it

The chatter is flowing but my mouth ain’t going, I try to talk when others speak

I feel shy and I get tongue-tied and I sing when I don’t wanna speak

I count the hours and space out the days and map out my use of the week

I count the hours and space out the days and map out my use of the week


I Feel Fine.

You get high and you
Come alive then you
Get tired and I
Wonder what I said
You’re not sleeping in my bed

I’m winding down but you’re
Gearing up and I’m
Pulling back while you’re
Planning our next move
All I think about is food

And you seem so sad
But I don’t feel that bad

You fat-shame and you
Think gay’s a game and you
Police my words but you
Haven’t heard what I said
You’re not sleeping in my bed

I’m winding down but you’re
Gearing up and I’m
Pulling back while you’re
Planning our next move
All I think about is food

And you seem so sad
But I don’t feel that bad

I feel fine


I Want a Refund.

I was feeling pretty broke
When I took my morning smoko
I’ve got five more hours to go

It’s a dead end job
And my old man is a slob
But I gotta make a living, you know

The phone lines keep a-buzzing
I’m fighting with my cousin
Airport’s going under with snow

The customers complain
Left their earbuds on a plane
I never should have taken this role

Well, that’s just life
You were never really gonna take flight
Something always got in the way
Turbulence was always gonna stay

Yeah, that’s just life
You were never really gonna take flight
Too high a fee to pay
Turbulence was always gonna stay

Yeah, that’s just life

The latest caller’s a real trooper
Her fella just flew the coop
Left the admin at the end of an affair

Holiday plans have changed
It’s all been rearranged
It’s just she paid for both the fares

She says please give me a refund
I’m starting to feel undone
Once I sort this I can let them go

I say there are processes to follow
It’s a bitter pill to swallow
That’s just the way things go

Well, that’s just life
You were never really gonna take flight
Something always got in the way
Turbulence was always gonna stay

Yeah, that’s just life
You were never really gonna take flight
Too high a fee to pay
Turbulence was always gonna stay

Yeah, that’s just life

Man the exits, what is the way out?
Baggage is flying, I can’t figure it out
And you know it’s a sunk cost fallacy
Hun, you’re just fighting gravity
Heading for hard earth

Well, that’s just life
You were never really gonna take flight
Something always got in the way
Turbulence was always gonna stay

Yeah, that’s just life
You were never really gonna take flight
Too high a fee to pay
Turbulence was always gonna stay

Yeah, that’s just life

Keep on Driving.

I chose to keep on driving
Sailing down the road
Thoughts of you fill my mind,
Bind me at the throat

Trouble coming down like rain
Waiting it out
This feeling will surely pass,
Like the storming cloud

The harder I try to please us,
The more the storming grows

Hard work unraveling now,
Cracks are beginning to show
This dream seems too much hard work,
Fruit of it never shows

The harder I try to please use,
The more the storming grows

I chose to keep on driving

I chose to keep on driving

Wonder where I’ll go
I’m chasing freedom now
I’d rather go alone



I remember Fridays after school
I remember dirt and swimming pools
Gone too soon

I remember kissing on the trampoline
Sharing earphones, listening to our mp3’s
Gone too soon

Think about a time when I cared about my job
And I slept through the night, didn’t take it out on the dog

I remember share-housing in June
Tinned tomatoes and brown rice lentil stew
Gone too soon

Think about when I had a real-life Mum
Wasn’t tired standing up and I wrote songs for fun

Left the big smoke as fast as I could
Couldn’t have known that I’d be gone for good

Said goodbye to my friends
Into a new share home
The borders stayed fucking closed
Might try to live alone

I remember childhood afternoons
I remember dirt and swimming pools


My Turn.

I wanna walk in the sun, I wanna walk in the sun
Find the path that leads back to you

Know that my turn is not done, know that my turn is not done
Scared to lose what I have not yet won


I’m scared of what I don’t say, scared of what I let drift away
All the songs, the words I didn’t write down today

I follow, then what have I found, If I reach then you rear underground
Take a stance, a chance I can feel to the truth


Know that my turn is not done, no, it has only now just begun
Know that I’m walking away back to you

And I’ll stop when I got nothing left to say



Sleeping Dogs.

You’re a headstrong woman
Look a lot like your ma
You make me want to play out of time, want to sing out of tune
On that old-time song

Been four months, got me wondering
Should I let sleeping dogs alone?
Pulling back and forth
When the one I love is not at home

I want to stamp my feet like a child
Say it ain’t so
Want to screech and scream, kick up a fuss
And I’ll refuse to let you go

Been four months, got me wondering
Should I let sleeping dogs alone
Pulling back and forth
When the one I love is not at home

Where did it all go wrong?

Take some time, it's gonna
Take some time, yes I’ll
Take some time and that’s alright

Take some time, you gotta
Take some time, yes I’ll
Take some time and that’s alright
That’s alright

Darlin’ I don’t know how we fit together any more

Auslan interpretation of Sleeping Dogs - Official Lyric Video

Something We Know.

First gig of the tour at a cosy caravan park
The two hour drive took five, so we’re pulling in after dark
The manager starts to rush at me,
Says ‘I’ve moved your set forward, you start in fifteen’
Through gritted teeth I say ‘That’s no worries at all’

There’s a crackle and a pop as my amplifier goes dead
But I’m rolling with the punches so I launch into an a capella set
The mic stands slumping and it starts to fall
The crowd goes wild, but it’s for the eight ball
Sometimes one person clapping’s worse than nobody clapping at all

I got a hot meal and a cool drink
Waiting for me at the end of my show
As soon I strum my last chord
I see the kitchen and the bar are both closed
A bloke yells ‘Oi lady! Play us something we know’

Eight weeks working on my budget and itinerary
DIY design, yeah I guess that I’m kinda green
See the posters I designed, well they never got sent
The crowd was huge last night, I wish I played then
Sometimes one person clapping’s worse than nobody clapping at all

I got a hot meal and a cool drink
Waiting for me at the end of my show
As soon I sing my last note
I see the kitchen and the bar are both closed
A bloke yells ‘Oi lady! Play us something we know’

Wheels are falling off but baby they’re still rolling
And there’s a fine, fine, line between flying and falling
I’ve been here before, and I’ll be here again
In this line of work you retire when your dead

Death and taxes, tea and toast
Well, there’s something you’ll hear from coast to coast
Is ’Play us something we know’

Last gig of the tour as we crawl back into the Top End
Really not sure if my band and I are still friends
Not just tired, we need to sleep a week
Here’s some wisdom you don’t need to seek
Sometimes one person clapping, it’s worse than nobody clapping at all

Sweet Side.

On the sweet side of things
Where my mother lay down
On the sweet side of things
She lay down

I remember her still
As a young child will
On the sweet side of things
Where my mother lay down

From a child to a woman
Face your loss afresh
Lose something
That I never had

Calling out from the ridge
Hear the voice I still miss
On the sweet side of things
Where my mother lay down

To feel your love’s strength
Brings the keen pain of your loss
Oh, grief my old friend


On the far side of the gorge
On the clear side of things
I cry for the sweet earth
Where my mother lay down

I cry for the sweet earth
Where my mother lay now

You Drive a Hilux.

I have still not got a clear picture of the bloke you are
It’s clear you have not got an aversion to lettuce, boiled eggs, and char-grilled treats
You like char-grilled eats

And all I know is, I know where you are and the kind of car you drive
You drive a Hilux and you know where you’re going and what you like to eat

Start the morning with a coffee, feel your way through clothes
Textures pique your interest and you’re quite particular about those
Take your time, don’t rush this, as you wind down the road
Keep your heart open, ask the questions, follow your nose

And all I know is, I know where you are and the kind of car you drive
You drive a Hilux and you know where you’re going and what you like to wear

Now thanks to Corona you’re watching plenty of telly, but no, it’s not the ABC
It’s just your regular TV, 26-part 20th century late night history show
It's a war-time history show

And all I know is, I know where you are and the kind of car you drive
You drive a Hilux and you know where you’re going and what you like to eat
All I know is, I know where you are and the kind of car you drive
You drive a Hilux and you're watching plenty of telly but it's just not the ABC